Creating Video Sucks: Why You Should Hire a Professional to Do it For You

It’s 2020, and by this point, it’s impossible to ignore video as a powerful marketing tool for growing your business. But despite being so important, high-quality video is confusing, labor-intensive, and frustrating to produce. Put simply, unless it’s your profession, creating video content sucks. For this reason, it’s best to hire a videography company to do the dirty work for you. 


Unlike other business outreach efforts, creating compelling video requires experience and expertise. Let’s put it in perspective by using dental care as a comparable example. Simple maintenance, like brushing and flossing, is something we can all handle, but when is the last time you skipped the dentist and performed your own root canal? Similarly, video is best left to those who have dedicated their careers to it. 


Businesses that try to shortcut the process or save money by producing their own video content quickly realize three things. First, creating video is very difficult and requires skills NO ONE on their team possesses. Next, the process of producing video content is extremely time-consuming and takes staff resources away from the actual work at hand. Finally, the return on investment for video created in-house ALWAYS falls short of content produced by a professional videography company. 


Essentially, creating your own video content is a mistake. Sure, going the in-house route may save a few dollars, at least on the front end, but your team WILL suffer and your competitors (who hired a videography team) WILL captivate the customers you DON’T while laughing their way to the bank. 


We hope it’s clear that you shouldn’t be making your own video content, but you may be wondering “what should I do now?” That’s where we come in. Just give us a call or complete our contact form today to see how we can create professional video that grows your business! 

Kaleb Buckner