Looking Ahead With Thankful Hearts

We love video. 

We KNOW (study after study agrees) that it’s the BEST way to communicate ideas, inspire an audience, and grow a business. 

But, we don’t just love video, we are also thankful for it. 

Through video, we get to help our friends thrive, contribute to the flourishing of our city, and flex our creative muscles. 

Video has gotten us here, and it’s propelling us forward. 

There are many more stories to share in Knoxville and beyond, and we are going to play our part in the telling using video. 

So for the journey thus far and the road ahead, we say thank you to video. 

Thank you for careers. 

Thank you for purpose. 

Thank you for creativity. 

But most of all, thank you for the beautiful people you’ve brought and will bring into our lives.

Kaleb Buckner